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One big ag family: Dickinson State agriculture one of best in state1 min read

March 26, 2021

Written By: Matthew Curry | 8:00 am, Mar. 24, 2021

In Western North Dakota, agriculture is known for being one of the most important industries. Students planning a career in agriculture often seek higher education but also want to time outside the classroom getting their hands dirty.

Fortunately, at Dickinson State University, that is exactly what the ag department specializes in: making sure students get the best education they can give in the classroom, and providing hands-on learning experience outside the classroom.

“We’re a small, public institution. We offer a variety of different programs, and from an ag perspective, quite varied for a program of our size,” said Chip Poland, a professor of agriculture and chair of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Studies.

“One of the advantages of us is that we’re small; we know our students, a lot of instructor and student interaction and the ability to get a lot of one-on-one attention here that you might lose at a larger institution,” Poland added.

Read the full article from The Dickinson Press here.

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